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Refund Policy

Field Closure Policy
The decision to open or close fields is made by Centre Soccer Association along with Centre Region Parks. Assume that soccer is ON unless you hear otherwise. Soccer is a sport that is played in all conditions. If field closures will impact CSA training sessions/games, CSA staff will do their best to email that information out to all participants as well as post updated information on our Facebook page.  For more information click here.

FUNdamental, Developmental, Adult Rec League and Winter Programming Refund Policy
As a result of the postponement and cancellation of sporting events as a government-mandated response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), CSA has implemented a specific refund policy to address uncertainty in relation to tryouts, deposits and program fees for future seasons: In the event that there is either a long-term stoppage in play or cancellation of a season, as a result of any act of God or government-mandated shutdowns outside of CSA’s control, CSA will refund any and all registration fees (excluding membership fees)  proportional to that part of the season that does not take place, minus any essential administrative costs associated with running and maintaining the programs as well as the service fee charged by Sports Connect.  For programs that have team based registrations that involve registrations for outside leagues & tournaments or any other specific expenses for the team, those direct net expenses are deducted in full from the gross registrations of the team before calculating any pro-rata refund for the cancellation. Should a postponement or cancellation occur as described above, this paragraph will supersede the following provisions, which will otherwise remain in full force and effect.

If, for some reason, a player decides that he/she does not want to participate notification that the player is dropping out must be sent to the coach as well as  Refunds will be granted under the following circumstances.  Refunds will be issued via a customer's credit card or a check will be mailed as soon as possible. It may take up to four weeks to receive a refund check.

1.  If notification is sent up until 14 days prior to the start of the season, a full refund will be issued.


2.  If notification is sent during the 14 days prior to the start of the season, a full refund will be issued minus an administration fee.  The administration fee is $15.

3.  If notification is sent during the first week of the season and a player never participates, a full refund will be issued minus an administration fee.  The administration fee is $15.

4.  If a player attends training during the first week and then decides he/she does not want to continue, a partial refund will be given. The amount of the partial refund will be determined by the CSA administrative staff.  Notification that the player is dropping out must be sent to the coach and during the first week of the season.

If you do not notify CSA administrative staff prior to the start of the season or during the first week of the season no refund will be given.

Youth Travel Refund Policy
**updated 8/6/2020

As a result of the postponement and cancellation of sporting events as a government-mandated response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), CSA has implemented a specific refund policy to address uncertainty in relation to tryouts, deposits and program fees for future seasons: In the event that there is either a long-term stoppage in play or cancellation of a season, as a result of any act of God or government-mandated shutdowns outside of CSA’s control, CSA will refund any and all registration fees (excluding membership fees)  proportional to that part of the season that does not take place, minus any essential administrative costs associated with running and maintaining the programs as well as the service fee charged by Sports Connect.  For programs that have team based registrations that involve registrations for outside leagues & tournaments or any other specific expenses for the team, those direct net expenses are deducted in full from the gross registrations of the team before calculating any pro-rata refund for the cancellation. Should a postponement or cancellation occur as described above, this paragraph will supersede the following provisions, which will otherwise remain in full force and effect.

The success of our travel teams is dependent on the players who make up each team and their commitment to the team.  After teams have been formed and rosters have been announced, Centre Soccer will then proceed on behalf of each team to assign coaches, practice fields and times, complete all player registrations, as well as complete all PA West registrations. Accordingly, we expect that all players and parents will follow through with their commitment to the program by completing all required paperwork and paying all fees in a timely manner.

Our travel program has a stringent refund policy because a player’s acceptance has the effect of denying another player an opportunity to play on a competitive team or in other cases, the player's acceptance is a deciding factor on proceeding with team activities & expenses which are contingent on the number of acceptances received by the club.  Additionally, costs accrue to the Club for services provided to the team based on player headcount. Accordingly, fees are not refundable and not transferable. Fees for participation in the club cover the entire soccer year (winter training fees are not included). In the event a team adds events to its schedule or costs of any kind that generate additional fees to the Club, the team is responsible for paying those based on a pro-rata percentage to be determined by Centre Soccer Association, and Centre Soccer Association will charge each player individually. A player who accepts an invitation to play with CSA commits to pay the entire fee for their team's full year of soccer. No refunds, partial or full, will be made to players who choose not to participate at any point after acceptance for any reason, including players suspended from the program. The only exceptions are:

(1) In the event that a player has a season ending injury, the board may consider a partial refund after review of records provided by the treating physician or facility, or

(2) For families that relocate outside the Centre region (30 miles) during the season, or

(3) If a travel player plans to participate in another sport during the spring season. In this case, written communication in the form of an email must be sent to Centre Soccer's travel coordinator at by January 15th.

The board may consider a partial refund in these circumstances or other extenuating circumstances on a case by case basis.

Refund Policy for CSA camps
If a player decides that he/she does not want to participate or is unable to participate notification must be sent to  Refunds will be granted under the following circumstances.  Refund checks will be mailed as soon as possible. It may take up to four weeks.

1.  If notification is sent up until 14 days prior to the start of camp, a full refund will be issued.


2.  If notification is sent during the 14 days prior to the start of camp, a full refund will be issued minus a $15 administrative fee.  

3.  If notification is sent once camp has started and camper does not attend camp, a full refund will be issued minus a $15 administrative fee.

4.  If a player attends any portion of camp, no refund will be given.

State College Premier League (SCPL) Refund Policy
As a result of the postponement and cancellation of sporting events as a government-mandated response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), CSA has implemented a specific refund policy to address uncertainty in relation to tryouts, deposits and program fees for future seasons: In the event that there is either a long-term stoppage in play or cancellation of a season, as a result of any act of God or government-mandated shutdowns outside of CSA’s control, CSA will refund any and all registration fees (excluding membership fees)  proportional to that part of the season that does not take place, minus any essential administrative costs associated with running and maintaining the programs except for the service fee charged by Sports Connect.  For programs that have team based registrations such as the SCPL that are paid by a team member, the team fee will be refunded to the team member who paid the teams registration fee, after deducting those direct net expenses incurred by Centre Soccer Association for operating the league to date. The refund will be pro-rata based on the number of teams registered for the league. Should a postponement or cancellation occur as described above, this paragraph will supersede the following provisions, which will otherwise remain in full force and effect. The decision to refund or postpone is the sole decision of Centre Soccer Association.

Registration fees for the State College Premier league are otherwise non-refundable once the league is scheduled or commences. Any cancelations due to weather, field conditions or forfeit are non-refundable, except in the sole discretion of Centre Soccer Association.

Late Fee Policy

14 days prior to the start of each season, a $15 late fee will be included in any CSA member’s registration fees.  In order to be ready for the first day of each season, CSA administration needs appropriate time to order gear for each player, create teams and coordinate schedules.  This $15 late fee will be used to cover additional costs of ordering last minute gear for registered players and cover additional costs of adding training time and space.  This $15 late fee will not be refunded without appropriate approval from the CSA administrative staff.

The late fee for CSA's fall 2019 programs will kick in on the dates below.
          FUNdamental, Developmental, and Adult Rec League - - Sunday August 18th 

For Travel Teams...
Playing Up/Down Policy:
Centre Soccer recognizes that player development is best advanced by allowing players to compete at the appropriate level based on player’s ability, even if it means playing up or down an age group. CSA also recognizes that socially players may be best served by playing with their classmates.

In PA West players ages are determined once a year. The soccer year corresponds to the academic year, so your child's "soccer age" is the same for Fall and Spring Season (i.e., not the calendar year). Your child's soccer age is based on their age on July 31. Click Here to see age group chart. 

Players will not be permitted to play up or down unless the parent signs an additional waiver, and certifies in writing that:

            1. The player is being placed on a team with his or her classmates; or

            2. The player's skill level justifies the placement. Needs recommendation from coach; or

            3. Overall benefit to the player and association, at the discretion of the Technical Director. 

Parent’s wishing to have their daughter or son “play-up or down” should submit to CSA an Age Division Exception Form, clearly indicating the reason for making the request 14 days prior to the start of the season.


Age Exception Form

Payment Policy
In an effort to streamline our process, we now only accept credit cards (V/MC/Amex) for program registrations.  Checks will not be accepted unless requested by Centre Soccer. We appreciate your understanding of this change to dramatically reduce our processing costs and efforts. If you legitimately do not have access to a credit card for payment, please contact our Treasurer, Ron Beyer, directly. 

Coaching Discounts
Our program depends on both parent and non-parent coaches as well as off-the-field volunteers. We live in a relatively unpopulated area with a strong soccer interest, so we need all the help we can get to make soccer happen for everyone. CSA has a great coaching education program, and also offers discounts & incentives for those who are able to provide their time. To encourage more people to get involved we have set up discounts for each youth program for coaches.   Volunteer coaches (who don't receive their child's programming for free) can also play for free in CSA's Adult Rec league. With the change to only accept credit cards, you will need to have the promo code in advance of registering to receive a discount. Also, please don't forget to sign up to coach in Blue Sombrero during the registration process.  If you are coaching this season, get the discount promo codes by signing up on this web-form BEFORE you register.  These codes are for coaches only who are able to commit to the program for the season. Enter your name, program info, and email, and you promo code will be emailed to you. If you have a special situation, please contact us here.

Coaches Background Checks :
All CSA coaches are required to comply with the PA Child and Protective Services Act. On January 1, 2015, the new PA Child Services Law went into effect. This law updated the background check requirements for paid staff immediately, and volunteers as of July 1, 2015. As a result, there is a new background check process. The changes will require some additional effort to be cleared, but everyone should agree they are small changes in the big picture of ensuring a safe environment for our youth players. New volunteer coaches will need to use this new process. . Please read this on the clearance process and required clearances.

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